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KPIT Technologies Ltd

KPIT Technologies is at the forefront of revolutionizing the automotive and mobility industries with its deep expertise in software development and integration. Focused on creating software-defined vehicles (SDVs), this leading provider assists its clients in adopting next-generation technologies for a sustainable, connected, and intelligent future. With over 13,000 professionals worldwide, KPIT emphasizes enhancing digital solutions, embedded software, and the application of AI into mobility solutions. The company boasts a global presence with engineering centers located in Europe, the USA, Japan, China, Thailand, and India, allowing it to closely collaborate with industry leaders as technology trends evolve. KPIT actively participates in creating the future dispensation of mobility, ensuring that its clients benefit from pioneering technologies and forward-thinking solutions. Recognized for its innovative solutions, KPIT is a prominent player in developing automotive software for enhanced safety, electrification, connectivity, and autonomous driving. Its dedication is reflected in long-standing partnerships with various stakeholders in the mobility sector, including OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers, working collaboratively to craft transformative automotive solutions. Besides software integration, KPIT's portfolio extends into providing cutting-edge engineering and design solutions that tackle the complexities of SDV architecture. The company focuses on harnessing the latest digital and AI innovations to help clients quickly bring futuristic mobility ideas to life, providing them with a competitive edge in the ever-evolving automotive landscape. Read more

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